
Mandarin, Spanish, & more

An early bilingual education is truly one of the best advantages a child can have that has proven to improve overall cognitive thinking abilities as he or she grows to become an adult.

Research has shown that a bilingual education has many cognitive benefits, including flexible thinking structure, logic reasoning, mental and emotional creativity and unique brain structures. For example, children who grew up in a bilingual environment have shown greater variance in problem solving skills for both detailed complexities to high-level perspectives. This is largely because words can have multiple meanings; problems can have multiple solutions; situations can be seen from multiple viewpoints and when children think in two languages, they can easily imagine more than one way to achieve their goals.

More importantly, the earlier the child is introduced to more than one language, the greater the chance of increased language proficiency.

While children are still eager to learn and explore, a dual language environment feeds into their innate curiosity to be fearless and learn from mistakes. This is partially due to the general linguinstic abilities of younger children and the importance of stimulation at this stage.

As the world approaches an interconnected, multicultural, borderless community, the value of speaking another language like Mandarin, goes well beyond simply speaking the language. A bilingual education, within the context of a dynamic and diverse community, will give your child a deeper understanding and compassion for other cultures and practices. It opens doors to greater opportunities in more places, with more people and truly preparing your child to be a global citizen for the future.